Did you hear about the guy that lost his left arm and leg He's all right

Did you hear about the guy that lost his left arm and leg He's all right  Lame Pun Coon

take too long in bathroom at school everyone thinks you pooped

take too long in bathroom at school everyone thinks
 you pooped  Paranoid Parrot

They Told me I couldn't give blood So I'm donating theirs instead

They Told me I couldn't give blood  So I'm donating theirs instead   Karate Kyle

I witnessed a shooting star in the night sky when i was vacationing on martha's vineyard

I witnessed a shooting star in the night sky when i was vacationing on martha's vineyard  Successful Black Man

Greetings Yahweh! I am uber-god. you didn't know about me. you will be judged concerning how fair and loving you have been toward those you have created. holy shit!

Greetings Yahweh!
I am uber-god. you didn't know about me.
you will be judged concerning how fair and loving you have been toward those you have created. holy shit!  Advice God

I'm Locked Out O-pun The Door

I'm Locked Out O-pun The Door   Lame Pun Coon

They wanted to play "Life" I took theirs instead

They wanted to 

sitting on toilet pop ingrown leg hairs while pooping

sitting on toilet pop ingrown leg hairs while pooping  Foul Bachelorette Frog

I need a blunt way of saying things, I'm told I can be a bit verbose

I need a blunt way of saying things, I'm told I can be a bit verbose  Successful Black Man

See a pack of girls walking into victoria's secret whores

See a pack of girls walking into victoria's secret whores  Skeptical Hippo