I'm just going to skip working out for today AAAAND IT'S been a week

I'm just going to skip working out for today AAAAND IT'S been a week  aaaand its gone

our parents gave us usernames for real life

our parents gave us usernames for real life  10 Guy

No matter how awake you think you are do not turn off your alarm untill you actually get out of bed

No matter how awake you think you are do not turn off your alarm untill you actually get out of bed  Actual Advice Mallard

job Interviewer: "Hi nice to meet you!" me: "good"

job Interviewer:

Out of Plates? No worries, the rotating disc in the microwave will serve

Out of Plates? No worries, the rotating disc in the microwave will serve  Foul Bachelor Frog

Class is optional today but you're highly encouraged to attend Sweet, no class.

Class is optional today but you're highly encouraged to attend Sweet, no class.  Lazy College Senior

you're not allowed to wear sunglasses because i need to be able to see if you're looking at other girls

you're not allowed to wear sunglasses because i need to be able to see if you're looking at other girls  Overly Attached Girlfriend

I fart in my boss’s office every morning before she arrives, and now she has facilities checking the walls for dead animals

I fart in my boss’s office every morning before she arrives, and now she has facilities checking the walls for dead animals  Confession Bear

I got you a GPS car tracking device for your birthday so if you ever get lost I can find you

I got you a GPS car tracking device for your birthday so if you ever get lost I can find you  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Zippers Are like puzzles that solve themselves

Zippers Are like puzzles that solve themselves   10 Guy