mascot for r/adviceanimals is a spider stay away from r/adviceanimals

mascot for r/adviceanimals is a spider stay away from r/adviceanimals  Paranoid Parrot

Wow! You have the best job! It must be great to be able to sit behind the desk and read all day. *Headdesk*

Wow!  You have the best job!  It must be great to be able to sit behind the desk and read all day. *Headdesk*  Judgmental Bookseller Ostrich

White man no jump, black man no swim You no fail!

White man no jump, black man no swim You no fail!  High Expectations Asian Father

Girl offers me gum oh my god my breath must be horrible

Girl offers me gum oh my god my breath must be horrible  Socially Awkward Penguin

Email Hot Teacher Homework Get naked pictures back

Email Hot Teacher Homework Get naked pictures back  Socially Awesome Penguin

Help I'm trapped in this huge white canyon can you help me get out? No I'm not dirty don't turn on the water... NOOOOO!!!!!!!

Help I'm trapped in this huge white canyon can you help me get out? No I'm not dirty don't turn on the water... NOOOOO!!!!!!!  Misunderstood Spider

Why can Charlie Sheen do a suitcase of coke and get hero treatment but Mother sells $5 of pot and goes to jail?

Why can Charlie Sheen do a suitcase of coke and get hero treatment but Mother sells $5 of pot and goes to jail?  LIfe is Confusing

We Avert our eyes every time we see a homeless person on the street Hear homeless guy with golden voice on youtube and can't empty wallet fast enough

We Avert our eyes every time we see a homeless person on the street Hear homeless guy with golden voice on youtube and can't empty wallet fast enough  LIfe is Confusing

Make self-deprecating joke people respond "Aww" instead of laughing

Make self-deprecating joke people respond

Almighty and Omnipotent Needs 10% of your income.

Almighty and Omnipotent  Needs 10% of your income.  Advice God