Hold the door for the person behind you End up holding it for the next 10 people

Hold the door for the person behind you End up holding it for the next 10 people  Socially Awkward Penguin

Enter Minimally crowded bus decide to stand

Enter Minimally crowded bus decide to stand  Socially Awkward Penguin

cut toenails with fingernails cut fingernails with teeth

cut toenails with fingernails cut fingernails with teeth  Foul Bachelor Frog

Stalk cute girls facebook. Next day profile is set to private. I've been caught

Stalk cute girls facebook. Next day profile is set to private. I've been caught  Paranoid Parrot

just off the binky time to get kinky

just off the binky time to get kinky  Pedobear

I, just died in your barn tonight mustard no mayonnaise instead you should't walk in hay... shouldn't walk in hay

I, just died in your barn tonight mustard no mayonnaise instead you should't walk in hay... shouldn't walk in hay  Wrong Lyrics Christina

I'm hooked on coke zero

I'm hooked on coke zero  Successful Black Man

Hold me closer Tony Danza I got head lice from this guy Ray

Hold me closer Tony Danza I got head lice from this guy Ray  Wrong Lyrics Christina

can you help? i got a bit tangled in your hair screaming and slapping me is not working

can you help? i got a bit tangled in your hair screaming and slapping me is not working  Misunderstood Spider

Hey Brah can i use your Internet real quick? chris hansen shows Up

Hey Brah can i use your Internet real quick? chris hansen shows Up  Scumbag Steve