Buy normal yogurt and freeze it it tastes the same as frozen yogurt, because it is the same, and is cheaper

Buy normal yogurt and freeze it  it tastes the same as frozen yogurt, because it is the same, and is cheaper  Actual Advice Mallard

Holds door open for cute classmate who is a little too far away Causes her to hurry, trip, and twist her ankle

Holds door open for cute classmate who is a little too far away Causes her to hurry, trip, and twist her ankle  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin

Comes over for sex Takes the condom when she leaves

Comes over for sex Takes the condom when she leaves  Overly Attached Girlfriend

Have Social Anxiety Too nervous to ask a doctor about it

Have Social Anxiety Too nervous to ask a doctor about it  Socially Awkward Penguin

GF breaks up with me 2 days before leaving on a vacation to Europe the airline feels bad for me, refunds me her ticket

GF breaks up with me 2 days before leaving on a vacation to Europe the airline feels bad for me, refunds me her ticket  Success Kid

a boner is like a thumbs up from your balls to whatever you're thinking about

a boner is like a thumbs up from your balls to whatever you're thinking about
  10 Guy

watching a movie before you go to bed is the adult equivalent to getting read a bedtime story

watching a movie before you go to bed is the adult equivalent to getting read a bedtime story  Sudden Clarity Clarence

not sure if i'm working hard so that i can have a good life later or if i'm wasting my life working so hard

not sure if i'm working hard so that i can have a good life later or if i'm wasting my life working so hard  Futurama Fry

Looked under the stall to see if anyone else was in the bathroom. Someone else was, and I made eye contact with them.

Looked under the stall to see if anyone else was in the bathroom. Someone else was, and I made eye contact with them.  Socially Awkward Penguin

Professor announces the exam will be open book Time to buy the book

Professor announces the exam will be open book Time to buy the book  Lazy College Senior