I'll have the chicken breast Hold the chicken

I'll have the chicken breast Hold the chicken  Pickup-Line Panda

discover you are in the wrong class 5 minutes in stay until end of class

discover you are in the wrong class 5 minutes in stay until end of class  Socially Awkward Penguin

Only one friend can hang out? cancel plans

Only one friend can hang out? cancel plans  Socially Awkward Penguin

knowing is half the battle the other half is violence

knowing is half the battle the other half is violence  Insanity Wolf

You forget to study? I forget to feed you.

You forget to study? I forget to feed you.  High Expectations Asian Father

If there is no I in team How can I be on a team?

If there is no I in team How can I be on a team?  Philosoraptor

You are not meeting our productivity expectations Time for your shower

You are not meeting our productivity expectations Time for your shower  Business Cat

Friend says Whats up reply "good"

Friend says Whats up reply

Sold my laserdisc player when it became popular. bought a used one at a garage sale yesterday.

Sold my laserdisc player when it became popular. bought a used one at a garage sale yesterday.  Hipster Kitty

The only thing seperating your desires from reality is your bitch ass. now go the fuck outside.

The only thing seperating your desires from reality is your bitch ass. now go the fuck outside.  Courage Wolf