If practice makes perfect, are lawyers perfect?

If practice makes perfect, are lawyers perfect?  Philosoraptor

"I only pirate stuff i can't get otherwise" torrents every season of futurama

The garbage cans are unsecured? Operation Raccoony Freedom begins immediately!

The garbage cans are unsecured? Operation Raccoony Freedom
begins immediately!  Evil Plotting Raccoon

no relationship status they won't know i'm single

no relationship status they won't know i'm single  Annoying Facebook Girl

Chief Wiggim's son was sent home sick because he Ralphed!

Chief Wiggim's son was sent home sick because he Ralphed!  Lame Pun Coon

Receive Friend request on facebook Wait at least 12 hours to accept so you look like you have a life outside of the internet

Receive Friend request on facebook Wait at least 12 hours to accept so you look like you have a life outside of the internet  Socially Awkward Penguin

How come nobody ever takes out the trash? Has never taken the trash out

How come nobody ever takes out the trash? Has never taken the trash out  Scumbag Steve

B+ Calculus 4 test? I will proudly display this over your dead mother's portrait to hide her tears of shame

B+ Calculus 4 test?                   I will proudly display this over your dead mother's portrait to hide her tears of shame   High Expectations Asian Father

Having an unexpected moment of high self-esteem trip on perfectly flat surface

Having an unexpected moment of high self-esteem trip on perfectly flat surface  Socially Awkward Penguin

Time to wake and bake a cake for my wife's birthday

Time to wake and bake a cake for my wife's birthday  Successful Black Man