Inadvertently hits caps lock tYPES rEST oF eMAIL lIKE tHIS

Inadvertently hits caps lock tYPES rEST oF eMAIL lIKE tHIS  Grandma finds the Internet

Accidentally sets advertisement as desktop background Calls number on ad to complain

Accidentally sets advertisement as desktop background Calls number on ad to complain  Grandma finds the Internet

"Extra office hours tomorrow I'll be in my office all day" Doesn't show up

Cooking food in break room microwave Check food and still cold. Don't finish cooking because there is a line behind you.

Cooking food in break room microwave Check food and still cold. Don't finish cooking because there is a line behind you.  Socially Awkward Penguin

Sad hipster Just heard his favorite band on the radio

Sad hipster Just heard his favorite band on the radio  Sad Hipster

would i like a happy ending? i didn't know you were a storyteller

would i like a happy ending? i didn't know you were a storyteller  Sexually Oblivious Rhino

has had thousands of orgasms not one of them with someone else

has had thousands of orgasms not one of them with someone else  Forever Alone

Thinking to self how quiet it is in room full of people swallow own spit down wrong pipe, cough incessantly

Thinking to self how quiet it is in room full of people swallow own spit down wrong pipe, cough incessantly  Socially Awkward Penguin

Dresses to look different Looks like everyone else

Dresses to look different Looks like everyone else  Oblivious Hipster

Please Seed to a 1:1 ratio. Lol

Please Seed to a 1:1 ratio. Lol  Torrenting Turtle