I like my women how I like my whiskey 12 Years old and mixed up with coke

I like my women how I like my whiskey 12 Years old and mixed up with coke  Pedobear

I don't like my new vacuum cleaner. It sucks!

I don't like my new vacuum cleaner. It sucks!  Lame Pun Coon

beers with friends Explain fermentation

beers with friends Explain fermentation  Science Major Mouse

Buy Fake ID for teen night

Buy Fake ID for teen night  Creeper Canine

Girl notices and compliments on your reddit shirt RUN LIKE HELL

Girl notices and compliments on your reddit shirt RUN LIKE HELL  Socially Awkward Penguin

i've been in her vagina sucked on both titties and she's been in my pants hat trick

i've been in her vagina
sucked on both titties
and she's been in my pants hat trick  Success Kid

Sad hipster Found out his favorite band has a VEVO channel

Sad hipster Found out his favorite band has a VEVO channel  Sad Hipster

Pretty exciting to see me in the driver's seat, huh? It'd be more exciting if you were Vin Diesel.

Pretty exciting to see me in the driver's seat, huh? It'd be more exciting if you were Vin Diesel.  The Rock Driving

Ran out of laundry detergent Wash panties in strawberry bubblebath & declare yourself awesome.

Ran out of laundry detergent Wash panties in strawberry bubblebath & declare yourself awesome.  Foul Bachelorette Frog

Fall down 7 times Stand up 8

Fall down 7 times Stand up 8  Courage Wolf