Oh God Bitch ate my catnip

Oh God Bitch ate my catnip  Horrorcat

Mom walks into room to tell you goodnight, finds you having sex with girl Get up from bed with full erection and kiss her goodnight

Mom walks into room to tell you goodnight, finds you having sex with girl Get up from bed with full erection and kiss her goodnight  Insanity Wolf

Worried about Radiation from Japan Goes tanning

Worried about Radiation from Japan Goes tanning  Scumbag Steve

She looks at the keyboard while typing? Disgusting.

She looks at the keyboard while typing? Disgusting.  Butthurt Dweller

What did the girl say after she was raped? Nothing. She just lived with it for years until, one day, she couldn't take it anymore and killed herself.

What did the girl say after she was raped? Nothing. She just lived with it for years until, one day, she couldn't take it anymore and killed herself.  Anti-Joke Chicken

Talk shit about someone you know Check phone to make sure you didn't pocket dial first

Talk shit about someone you know Check phone to make sure you didn't pocket dial first  Paranoid Parrot

tries to hold your hand high five it

tries to hold your hand high five it  Awkward Relationship

Wear peeptoe heels only paint first three toes

Wear peeptoe heels only paint first three toes  Foul Bachelorette Frog

up before noon? up too soon

up before noon? up too soon  Foul Bachelor Frog

Sink in dorm room? Urinal in dorm room

Sink in dorm room? Urinal in dorm room  Foul Bachelor Frog