Several people hanging around coffee machine. Caffeine is bad for you anyway.

Several people hanging around coffee machine. Caffeine is bad for you anyway.
  Socially Awkward Penguin

come to this baddass party! sausage fest

come to this baddass party! sausage fest  Scumbag Steve

people seem to be staring at you brush hand against fly to check if its open

people seem to be staring at you brush hand against fly to check if its open  Socially Awkward Penguin

I don't always post memes But when I do, no one seems to like them that much

I don't always post memes But when I do, no one seems to like them that much  The Most Interesting Man In The World

which individual takes residence within thy subaquatic pineapple fruit? Sponge Robert Square Pantaloons

which individual takes residence within thy subaquatic pineapple fruit? Sponge Robert Square Pantaloons  Joseph Ducreux

What do you call 5 Mexicans in quicksand? A dangerous situation that could at any moment turn tragic

What do you call 5 Mexicans in quicksand? A dangerous situation that could at any moment turn tragic  Anti-Joke Chicken

A man walks into a bar He is an alcoholic whose drinking is destroying his family

A man walks into a bar He is an alcoholic whose drinking is destroying his family  Anti-Joke Chicken

See acquaintances walking in front of you walk slower to not run into them

See acquaintances walking in front of you walk slower to not run into them  Socially Awkward Penguin

Don't like a style of sunglasses All women must stop wearing them immediately.

Don't like a style of sunglasses All women must stop wearing them immediately.  Butthurt Dweller

out of tampons, used BF's sock omg pregnant

out of tampons, used BF's sock omg pregnant  Foul Bachelorette Frog