My house is so big that my wifi doesnt reach my room

My house is so big that my wifi doesnt reach my room  First World Problems

It's dinner time but i'm still full from lunch

It's dinner time but i'm still full from lunch  First World Problems

Pain pills? you mean bitch mints

Pain pills? you mean bitch mints  overly manly man

Not sure if I'm becoming old and crotchety Or teenagers today are becoming increasingly obnoxious

Not sure if I'm becoming old and crotchety Or teenagers today are becoming increasingly obnoxious  Futurama Fry

Plugged USB in the dark Went in first try

Plugged USB in the dark Went in first try  Success Kid

Studied art as a major and got bullied about it by my friends and brothers landed 70 k/year job before graduating

Studied art as a major and got bullied about it by my friends and brothers landed 70 k/year job before graduating  Success Kid

If she writes smiley faces like (: rather than :) She's too young for you

If she writes smiley faces like (: rather than :) She's too young for you  Actual Advice Mallard

late for work get on same bus as boss

late for work get on same bus as boss  Success Kid

Climbs to the top of the corporate ladder Needs fire department to get down

Climbs to the top of the corporate ladder Needs fire department to get down  Business Cat

Oh, your child is 25 months? I'm 221 as of march

Oh, your child is 25 months? I'm 221 as of march  Condescending Wonka