She says: "You can go to the strip club with your friends, if YOU think that's okay." IT'S A TRAP

She says:

just give back the nose and nobody gets hurt

just give back the nose and nobody gets hurt  Serious Baby

Asks her about herself Answers for her

Asks her about herself Answers for her  Romantic Kanye

Better a big fish in a little pond than a little fish in a big pond false. big fish will die from lack of nutrients

Better a big fish in a little pond than a little fish in a big pond  false. 
big fish will die from lack of nutrients   Schrute

eat shit and die false, eating your own shit can provide necessary nutrients to survive

eat shit and die false,
eating your own shit can provide necessary nutrients to survive  Schrute

go to chuck-e-cheese without childern

go to chuck-e-cheese without childern  Creeper Canine

You must be fucking retarded My nose is still on my face

You must be fucking retarded My nose is still on my face  Serious Baby

You need an ark? I Noah guy.

You need an ark? I Noah guy.  Lame Pun Coon

If you want to pacify me use a real nipple

If you want to pacify me use a real nipple  Serious Baby

Jingle those keys in my face one more time. I fucking dare you.

Jingle those keys in my face one more time. I fucking dare you.  Serious Baby