doesn't have enough money to pay you the hundreds of dollars he owes you But has enough to buy multiple new guitars, weed, and order takeout every night

doesn't have enough money to pay you the hundreds of dollars he owes you But has enough to buy multiple new guitars, weed, and order takeout every night  Scumbag Steve

My agitated frozen lactose-based beverage attracts all the young chaps to trespass the grasslands under my possession The general consensus of individuals of male gender concurs that the product in question is of vastly superior quality to your offer

My agitated frozen lactose-based beverage attracts all the young chaps to trespass the grasslands under my possession  The general consensus of individuals of male gender concurs that the product in question is of vastly superior quality to your offer  Joseph Ducreux

in the mood for a nature valley bar? just eat it on your bed for convenience

in the mood for a nature valley bar?
 just eat it on your bed for convenience  Malicious Advice Mallard

A middle aged female customer was being extremely rude to me at the checkout, So I gave her the "senior discount" and watched her die a little on the inside.

A middle aged female customer was being extremely rude to me at the checkout, So I gave her the

Leaving work Still light outside

Leaving work Still light outside  Success Kid

Not sure if on the brink of war Or young dictator just having hissy fit

Not sure if on the brink of war Or young dictator just having hissy fit  Futurama Fry

I'll just check Web M.D. for my symptoms Aaand I'm dying

I'll just check Web M.D. for my symptoms Aaand I'm dying  anditsgone

Send flowers to your wife anonymously, If she comes home without them, she could be cheating on you.

Send flowers to your wife anonymously, If she comes home without them, she could be cheating on you.  Actual Advice Mallard

Touched by jesus in a mexican prison

Touched by jesus in a mexican prison  Bad Luck Brian

On the final season of my favorite tv show Just realized there's an extra scene after the credits of every episode

On the final season of my favorite tv show Just realized there's an extra scene after the credits of every episode  First World Problems