During interview frquently employ catchphrase, "That's what she said!"

During interview frquently employ catchphrase,

If Rihanna hates being slapped why did she make a song called S&m?

If Rihanna hates being slapped why did she make a song called S&m?  Philosoraptor

During interview ask them how strict their sexual harassment policy is

During interview ask them how strict their sexual harassment policy is  Bad Advice Cat

I know what'll cheer you up Let's go to japan

I know what'll cheer you up Let's go to japan  Compassionate Shark Friend

boys, we should bang these rocks together to make a spark. We really need to start a fire.

boys, we should bang these rocks together to make a spark. We really need to start a fire.  Harmless Scout Leader

Bought life insurance for family get rich quick scheme worked

Bought life insurance for family get rich quick scheme worked  Vengeance Dad

don't worry about your exam i'm sure it will go swimmingly

don't worry about your exam i'm sure it will go swimmingly  Compassionate Shark Friend

Hold the door for cute girl Say Thank You

Hold the door for cute girl Say Thank You  Socially Awkward Penguin

Forget about her the are plenty of other fish in the sea

Forget about her the are plenty of other fish in the sea  Compassionate Shark Friend

I don't always post links on Reddit But when I do, I waste the rest of the day checking my karma count every five minutes.

I don't always post links on Reddit But when I do, I waste the rest of the day checking my karma count every five minutes.  The Most Interesting Man In The World