worried about childrens souls because they took under god out of pledge Speeds through school zone in suv

worried about childrens souls because they took under god out of pledge Speeds through school zone in suv  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"i really have to conceptualize this first" gets high as fuck

A man walks into a Kentucky Fried Chicken I don't see anything funny about this at all.

A man walks into a Kentucky Fried Chicken  I don't see anything funny about this at all.  Anti-Joke Chicken

"oh, i'm from chicago" has lived in hinsdale all her life

Tells how the internet is full of lies and propaganda Watches fox news

Tells how the internet is full of lies and propaganda Watches fox news  Sheltering Suburban Mom

No clean cups drink from a bowl

No clean cups drink from a bowl  Foul Bachelor Frog

get bad grade from law professor sue his ass

get bad grade from law professor sue his ass  Insanity Wolf

I need help with my dog Ask /r/adviceanimals

I need help with my dog Ask /r/adviceanimals  Tech Impaired Duck

I don't always venture into water but when I do, It's a cat-tastrophe

I don't always venture into water but when I do, It's a cat-tastrophe  The Most Interesting Cat in the World

I don't always give you attention but when i do, it's when you least want it

I don't always give you attention but when i do, it's when you least want it  The Most Interesting Cat in the World