I Don't always shower.

I Don't always shower.   Foul Bachelor Frog

not sure if fireworks or a drive by shooting

not sure if fireworks or a drive by shooting  Futurama Fry

Has a successful tv show still rips off customers

Has a successful tv show still rips off customers   Pawn Star

what's the best that could happen? make it happen

what's the best that could happen? make it happen  Courage Wolf

Hypercritical of new content upvotes anything referencing his childhood

Hypercritical of new content upvotes anything referencing his childhood  Butthurt Dweller

Dick in a box? I'm an avid collector

Dick in a box? I'm an avid collector  Insanity Wolf

Takes last slice of pizza Puts box back in fridge.

Takes last slice of pizza Puts box back in fridge.  Scumbag Steve

Did you hear they're pulling troops out of Afghanistan? Alexander must not be so "great" after all.

Did you hear they're pulling troops out of Afghanistan? Alexander must not be so

Privacy Settings on Max 4928 friends

Privacy Settings on Max 4928 friends  Annoying Facebook Girl

not sure if meme is funny or I just like futurama

not sure if meme is funny or I just like futurama  Futurama Fry