Sudden Clarity Clarence

The dots in the division symbol represent a number being divided over the other

The dots in the division symbol  represent a number being divided over the other   Sudden Clarity Clarence

Only stupid people claim to be abducted Because the aliens keep the smart ones

Only stupid people claim to be abducted Because the aliens keep the smart ones  Sudden Clarity Clarence

music from the past seems better because only the best songs are still played

music from the past seems better because only the best songs are still played  Sudden Clarity Clarence

When aliens in galaxies 65 million light years away look through a telescope at Earth they see dinosaurs

When aliens in galaxies 65 million light years away look through a telescope at Earth  they see dinosaurs  Sudden Clarity Clarence

The cast of The Office gets paid more to pretend to work than I do to actually work

The cast of The Office gets paid more to pretend to work than I do to actually work  Sudden Clarity Clarence

if we keep naming scientific discoveries and new technology after star trek Future archaeologists will think it was a documentary

if we keep naming scientific discoveries and new technology after star trek  Future archaeologists will think it was a documentary  Sudden Clarity Clarence

odd has 3 letters even has 4

odd has 3 letters even has 4  Sudden Clarity Clarence



Teachers let students play seven up so they can see who the cheaters in the class are

Teachers let students play seven up so they can see who the cheaters in the class are  Sudden Clarity Clarence

one reason for the high divorce rate is abstinence pledges.

one reason for the high divorce rate is abstinence pledges.  Sudden Clarity Clarence