Success Kid

Wife asked me to watch the baby He napped the whole time

Wife asked me to watch the baby He napped the whole time  Success Kid

pulled headphones out of pocket weren't tangled

pulled headphones out of pocket weren't tangled  Success Kid

asked wife where she wants to eat actually named a restaurant

asked wife where she wants to eat actually named a restaurant   Success Kid

Dropped Full Soda Can on Carpet Landed standing up

Dropped Full Soda Can on Carpet Landed standing up  Success Kid

Checked Texts After A Night Of Drinking None

Checked Texts After A Night Of Drinking None  Success Kid

Gets facebook notification Not a game request

Gets facebook notification Not a game request  Success Kid

Bought $2 pants at thrift store found $20 in pocket

Bought $2 pants at thrift store found $20 in pocket  Success Kid

get drunk and sleep with someone Both still like each other in the morning

get drunk and sleep with someone Both still like each other in the morning  Success Kid

Boss Walked by Actually doing work

Boss Walked by Actually doing work  Success Kid

Skipped breakfast to make work meeting on time breakfast provided

Skipped breakfast to make work meeting on time breakfast provided  Success Kid