Success Kid

Applied for a job: Position had already been filled offered me another job with double the pay

Applied for a job: Position had already been filled offered me another job with double the pay  Success Kid

Turns to the History Channel Actually showing something informative

Turns to the History Channel Actually showing something informative  Success Kid

Cooled a beer in the freezer remembered

Cooled a beer in the freezer remembered  Success Kid

Said a word without knowing the meaning used it in the correct context

Said a word without knowing the meaning used it in the correct context  Success Kid

someone came into the bathroom as i was leaving didn't have to touch the door handle

someone came into the bathroom as i was leaving didn't have to touch the door handle  Success Kid

walked into the locker room at the gym didn't see any old man dick

walked into the locker room at the gym didn't see any old man dick  Success Kid

took the stairs to the third floor not out of breath

took the stairs to the third floor not out of breath  Success Kid

"Windows is checking for a solution to the problem" actually fixes problem

Takes beautiful woman out on date Runs into ex girlfriend

Takes beautiful woman out on date Runs into ex girlfriend  Success Kid

Get married wife still gives blowjobs

Get married wife still gives blowjobs  Success Kid