Sheltering Suburban Mom

Tries to ban Halloween Gets uppity when you say Happy Holidays at Christmas

Tries to ban Halloween Gets uppity when you say Happy Holidays at Christmas  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Finds bowl in your room Gives you a lecture on the dangers of tobacco

Finds bowl in your room Gives you a lecture on the dangers of tobacco  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Calls Jersey shore trash watches real housewives

Calls Jersey shore trash watches real housewives   Sheltering Suburban Mom

Worships innocent man who was wrongly excecuted. supports death penalty

Worships innocent man who was wrongly excecuted. supports death penalty  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"Do your chores. It builds Character" Hires maid

pro life unless its her daughters baby

pro life unless its her daughters baby  Sheltering Suburban Mom

says video games could be dangerous allows sons to play full contact sports

says video games could be dangerous allows sons to play full contact sports  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Don't listen to your father.. I've never smoked weed and I didn't do coke with him in the 80's

Don't listen to your father.. I've never smoked weed and I didn't do coke with him in the 80's  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Lectures kids on dangers of marijuana Takes two doses of xanax a day

Lectures kids on dangers of marijuana Takes two doses of xanax a day  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Won't let kids eat fast food Sends them to school with lunchables

Won't let kids eat fast food Sends them to school with lunchables  Sheltering Suburban Mom