Sheltering Suburban Mom

ADDS YOU ON FACEBOOK likes everything you post

ADDS YOU ON FACEBOOK likes everything you post  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Believes that only God can give and take life Supports capital punishment

Believes that only God can give and take life Supports capital punishment  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Flips when she finds your pot stash blew guys for coke in the 70's

Flips when she finds your pot stash blew guys for coke in the 70's  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"I didn't give birth to those lungs to have you turn them black" smoked at your age

gets virus on computer blames you for installing games

gets virus on computer blames you for installing games  Sheltering Suburban Mom

does anything for her kids after they yell long enough

does anything for her kids after they yell long enough  Sheltering Suburban Mom

Car merges into her lane 50 yards ahead FLOOR IT

Car merges into her lane 50 yards ahead FLOOR IT  Sheltering Suburban Mom

discourages imaginary friends forces you to go to church on sunday

discourages imaginary friends forces you to go to church on sunday  Sheltering Suburban Mom

"I think I know a thing or two about parenting." Is Scumbag Steve's mom.

matthew 19:21 "if you want to be perfect, go, sell all your possessions and give to the poor" *turns page

matthew 19:21