Scumbag Steve

Sees his lane is ending Stays in the lane as long as possible to get ahead of traffic

Sees his lane is ending Stays in the lane as long as possible to get ahead of traffic  Scumbag Steve

"Don't worry about directions, just follow me" Runs a red light

Cell phone goes off in the library answers in the library and stays where he is

Cell phone goes off in the library answers in the library and stays where he is  Scumbag Steve

Borrows $25 Calls you a douchebag for trying to collect

Borrows $25 Calls you a douchebag for trying to collect  Scumbag Steve

store closes at 9 p.m. starts shopping at 8:55 p.m.

store closes at 9 p.m. starts shopping at 8:55 p.m.  Scumbag Steve

Buys $10 gift card for friend Writes $20 on it

Buys $10 gift card for friend Writes $20 on it  Scumbag Steve

finds out you have epilepsy flicks the lights on and off really fast

finds out you have epilepsy flicks the lights on and off really fast  Scumbag Steve

Sees you talking to the girl you like "Why don't you guys just fuck already?"

Sees you talking to the girl you like

Smokes in the car Kids in back, windows closed

Smokes in the car Kids in back, windows closed  Scumbag Steve

Uses shopping cart Leaves it in empty parking space

Uses shopping cart Leaves it in empty parking space  Scumbag Steve