Insanity Wolf

Use garbage disposal As fleshlight

Use garbage disposal As fleshlight  Insanity Wolf

find dumpster behind abortion clinic in multi-cultural city neapolitan

find dumpster behind abortion clinic in multi-cultural city neapolitan  Insanity Wolf

Rubbing Alcohol On the rocks

Rubbing Alcohol  On the rocks  Insanity Wolf

Stop rapist Rape them both

Stop rapist Rape them both  Insanity Wolf

needs lube for sex starts paper cutting dick

needs lube for sex starts paper cutting dick  Insanity Wolf

Girl says stick it anywhere stick it in her mother

Girl says 
stick it anywhere stick it in
her mother  Insanity Wolf

Visit /r/aww Post a dead cat

Visit /r/aww Post a dead cat  Insanity Wolf

Get to the front page in the wrong subreddit

Get to the front page in the wrong subreddit  Insanity Wolf

420 upvotes? UPVOTE

420 upvotes? UPVOTE  Insanity Wolf

Put TV on Lifetime Break Remote

Put TV on Lifetime Break Remote  Insanity Wolf