High Expectations Asian Father

Type-A Personality? Why not A+?

Type-A Personality? Why not A+?  High Expectations Asian Father

You get 98% on test? What happen to the other 2%?

You get 98% on test? What happen to the other 2%?  High Expectations Asian Father

You C cup? Why not A cup?

You C cup? Why not A cup?  High Expectations Asian Father

Your Sister got a B+ on her last test? Congrats, you an only child now

Your Sister got a B+ on her last test? Congrats, you an only child now  High Expectations Asian Father

You learning c++? Why not A++?

You learning c++? Why not A++?  High Expectations Asian Father

White man no jump, black man no swim You no fail!

White man no jump, black man no swim You no fail!  High Expectations Asian Father

Homework finished? do it again

Homework finished? do it again  High Expectations Asian Father

Smashing Pumpkins? At your age you should be smashing atoms

Smashing Pumpkins? At your age you should be smashing atoms  High Expectations Asian Father

Jay-z have 99 problems? test tomorrow have 150. go study.

Jay-z have 99 problems? test tomorrow have 150. go study.  High Expectations Asian Father

97 percent

97%? WHY NOT 100%? High Expectations Asian Father