Grandma finds the Internet

Accidentally deletes internet explorer icon Calls Wallmart for refund

Accidentally deletes internet explorer icon Calls Wallmart for refund  Grandma finds the Internet

I won a free iPad? In my day we called them "tampons".

I won a free iPad? In my day we called them

Pedobear? I should introduce him to the grandkids

Pedobear? I should introduce him to the grandkids  Grandma finds the Internet

Inadvertently hits caps lock tYPES rEST oF eMAIL lIKE tHIS

Inadvertently hits caps lock tYPES rEST oF eMAIL lIKE tHIS  Grandma finds the Internet

Accidentally sets advertisement as desktop background Calls number on ad to complain

Accidentally sets advertisement as desktop background Calls number on ad to complain  Grandma finds the Internet

email jokes

             OH DEAR GOD            THE CWO WAS IN THAT ADDRESS BLOCK Grandma finds the Internet

email jokes


email jokes


Gyori funny thing

 BO APOK?! Grandma finds the Internet

World Festival Choir?

WFC WORLD FESTIVAL CHOIR? Grandma finds the Internet