Foul Bachelor Frog

Forgot to fap for two days Like finding twenty dollars in your pocket

Forgot to fap for two days  Like finding twenty dollars in your pocket  Foul Bachelor Frog

Find stain on clothes Scratch and Sniff

Find stain on clothes Scratch and Sniff  Foul Bachelor Frog

Puts too much shampoo on head Shampoos pubes

Puts too much shampoo on head Shampoos pubes  Foul Bachelor Frog

Smoke menthol cig Just brushed my teeth

Smoke menthol cig Just brushed my teeth  Foul Bachelor Frog

bring laptop to bathroom 3 minutes of pooping, 45 minutes of reddit

bring laptop to bathroom 3 minutes of pooping, 45 minutes of reddit  Foul Bachelor Frog

Blows nose with toilet paper still good, wipes

Blows nose with toilet paper still good, wipes  Foul Bachelor Frog

online class? FAP IN CLASS

online class? FAP IN CLASS  Foul Bachelor Frog

knock something onto floor guess thats its new home

knock something onto floor guess thats its new home  Foul Bachelor Frog

check hot girls halloween pics on facebook fappy halloween

check hot girls halloween pics on facebook fappy halloween  Foul Bachelor Frog

Run out of bar soap Shampoo armpits

Run out of bar soap Shampoo armpits  Foul Bachelor Frog