Forever Alone

Asked "Is anyone sitting here?" Reply, "You are" They take the chair with them


bank cashier calls me by my first name picture our life together

bank cashier calls me by my first name picture our life together  Forever Alone

turns phone on silent during class doesnt really matter

turns phone on silent during class doesnt really matter  Forever Alone

can only buy dresses that button or zip in the front

can only buy dresses that button or zip in the front  Forever Alone

really does have 99 problems and a bitch ain't one

really does have 99 problems and a bitch ain't one  Forever Alone

Hears college girls are easy never finds out

Hears college girls are easy never finds out  Forever Alone

goes on birth control because of acne and cramps

goes on birth control because of acne and cramps  Forever Alone

Blackberry services down for days? Doesn't realize

Blackberry services down for  days? Doesn't realize  Forever Alone

Phone vibrated finished charging

Phone vibrated finished charging  Forever Alone

Asian girlfriend breaks your heart every asian girl reminds you of her

Asian girlfriend breaks your heart every asian girl reminds you of her  Forever Alone