Forever Alone

Pokes girl on facebook Defriended

Pokes girl on facebook Defriended  Forever Alone

share song on facebook - 0 likes Friend posts same song 2 weeks later - big hit

share song on facebook - 0 likes Friend posts same song 2 weeks later - big hit  Forever Alone

Girl sitting next to you falls asleep during lecture go to sleep so you can say you've slept with a girl

Girl sitting next to you falls asleep during lecture go to sleep so you can say you've slept with a girl  Forever Alone

Purposefully browses Reddit in class... in hopes of fellow Redditor handing him a note.

Purposefully browses Reddit in class... in hopes of fellow Redditor handing him a note.  Forever Alone

Find lost phone, missed call It was from me when i was trying to find it

Find lost phone, missed call It was from me when i was trying to find it  Forever Alone

Why are you guys always complaining about your cell phone battery life? Mine lasts for weeks

Why are you guys always complaining about your cell phone battery life? Mine lasts for weeks  Forever Alone

is thankful for friend zone cuz friends get hugs sometimes

is thankful for friend zone cuz friends get hugs sometimes  Forever Alone

being unattractive is just playing the dating game on hard mode.

being unattractive is just playing the dating game on hard mode.  Forever Alone

Considers redditors his only friends No upvotes. Ever.

Considers redditors his only friends No upvotes. Ever.  Forever Alone

Watched a movie in class this must be what going to the movies with friends is like

Watched a movie in class this must be what going to the movies with friends is like  Forever Alone