Forever Alone

A girl once told me I was funny looking

A girl once told me I was funny looking  Forever Alone

My Girlfriend is like my iPad I Don't have an ipad

My Girlfriend is like my iPad I Don't have an ipad  Forever Alone

"I can't be the only one." is.

shave one leg feels like im sleeping next to a girl

shave one leg feels like im sleeping next to a girl  Forever Alone

you haven't gotten laid in 3 months? sounds rough

you haven't gotten laid in 3 months? sounds rough  Forever Alone

Puts body pillow near furnace simulates hug from a real person

Puts body pillow near furnace simulates hug from a real person  Forever Alone

saturday morning breakfast in bed Only because i got back into bed after i cooked it

saturday morning breakfast in bed Only because i got back into bed after i cooked it  Forever Alone

Finally get included in Secret santa pick own name

Finally get included in Secret santa pick own name  Forever Alone

make clever comment on cute girl's status she personally responds to everyone's post but yours

make clever comment on cute girl's status she personally responds to everyone's post but yours  Forever Alone

COWORKERS SIT in same room chat together on messenger

COWORKERS SIT in same room chat together on messenger  Forever Alone