First World Problems

eating chips can't hear tv

eating chips can't hear tv  First World Problems

Left my laptop charger downstairs But i'm already in bed

Left my laptop charger downstairs But i'm already in bed  First World Problems

Boot shopping Can't find any that fit my massive marching band calves

Boot shopping Can't find any that fit my massive marching band calves  First World Problems

bite into chocolate chip cookie it's oatmeal raisin

bite into chocolate chip cookie it's oatmeal raisin  First World Problems

Fridge full Nothing I want to eat

Fridge full Nothing I want to eat  First World Problems

Pouring a glass of milk Milk crusties fall into cup

Pouring a glass of milk Milk crusties fall into cup  First World Problems

Misspelled the URL Once Browsers first suggestion is always wrong.

Misspelled the URL Once Browsers first suggestion is always wrong.  First World Problems

5 minute drive the radio was on a commercial break the whole time

5 minute drive the radio was on a commercial break the whole time  First World Problems

i had to make a sandwich using one of the end pieces

i had to make a sandwich using one of the end pieces  First World Problems

forgot my ipod at home had to listen to the radio on the drive to work

forgot my ipod at home had to listen to the radio on the drive to work  First World Problems