First World Problems

the wifi at this tropical resort is not very reliable

the wifi at this tropical resort is not very reliable  First World Problems

Went to an all-you-can-eat buffet got full after one plate

Went to an all-you-can-eat buffet got full after one plate  First World Problems

Shower is too cold after 45 minutes

Shower is too cold after 45 minutes  First World Problems

Bored on flight to Europe No good movies

Bored on flight to Europe No good movies  First World Problems

No matter how hard i try to prevent it the maple syrup bottle always ends up all sticky

No matter how hard i try to prevent it the maple syrup bottle always ends up all sticky  First World Problems

Wake up 2 minutes before alarm clock goes off not enough time to fall back asleep

Wake up 2 minutes before alarm clock goes off not enough time to fall back asleep  First World Problems

College essay prompt is about overcoming obstacles I haven't had any obstacles

College essay prompt is about overcoming obstacles I haven't had any obstacles  First World Problems

Mom told me to come to dinner But when I got there it wasn't even ready yet

Mom told me to come to dinner But when I got there it wasn't even ready yet  First World Problems

Too late for a nap Too early to go to bed

Too late for a nap Too early to go to bed  First World Problems

Staying with relatives they don't know their wifi password

Staying with relatives they don't know their wifi password  First World Problems