Chemistry Cat

What do a neutrino and I have in common? We're both constantly penetrating your mom.

What do a neutrino and I 
have in common?

 We're both constantly penetrating your mom.  Chemistry Cat

AU Wanna hear a joke about gold?

AU Wanna hear a joke about gold?  Chemistry Cat

Sitting at computer for hours Ion-estly can't think of one good joke

Sitting at computer for hours Ion-estly can't think of one good joke  Chemistry Cat

Exothermic Reactions? I studied them before they were cool.

Exothermic Reactions? I studied them before they were cool.  Chemistry Cat

Is silicon the same in Spanish? Si

Is silicon the same in Spanish? Si  Chemistry Cat

You must be made of Uranium and Iodine Because all I can see is U and I

You must be made of Uranium and Iodine Because all I can see is U and I  Chemistry Cat

Hoh hoh hoh Water joke

Hoh hoh hoh Water joke  Chemistry Cat

Don't understand chemistry jokes? They're elemental.

Don't understand chemistry jokes? They're elemental.  Chemistry Cat

Gold? Au yeeeeaaaaah!

Gold? Au yeeeeaaaaah!  Chemistry Cat

Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar ...and doesn't

Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar ...and doesn't  Chemistry Cat