Annoying Facebook Girl

makes you take 40 photos because everyone didn't look perfect ends up putting every single one on facebook anyway

makes you take 40 photos because everyone didn't look perfect ends up putting every single one on facebook anyway  Annoying Facebook Girl

I have the best boyfriend in the whole wide world!! <3 Single two weeks later

I have the best boyfriend in the whole wide world!! <3 Single two weeks later  Annoying Facebook Girl

8 a.m. Monday morning OMG is it friday yettttttt?

8 a.m. 
Monday morning OMG is it friday yettttttt?    Annoying Facebook Girl

Makes a facebook profile for her dog

Makes a facebook profile for her dog  Annoying Facebook Girl

Current Location: "In the moment <3"

Current Location:

Posts a Countdown for everything Birthday in 6 dayssss!

Posts a Countdown for everything Birthday in 6 dayssss!  Annoying Facebook Girl

Gets fat after high School reuses old profile pics

Gets fat after high School reuses old profile pics  Annoying Facebook Girl

I Love editing photos sepia button, saturation meter

I Love editing photos sepia button, saturation meter  Annoying Facebook Girl

goes to bathroom with friend 30 minute photoshoot

goes to bathroom with friend 30 minute photoshoot  Annoying Facebook Girl

Posts chain message about bullying or cancer Forgets about it in 5 minutes

Posts chain message about bullying or cancer Forgets about it in 5 minutes  Annoying Facebook Girl