Advice God

Gives you cancer gets praised when doctors cure you

Gives you cancer gets praised when doctors cure you  Advice God

creates sandbox game with complex physics and sophisticated AI killing spree lol

creates sandbox game with complex physics and sophisticated AI killing spree lol  Advice God

"I am the bread of life" creates glueten intolerance

video recorders are invented no more miracles happen

video recorders are invented no more miracles happen  Advice God

CREATE MAN IN MY IMAGE OMG foreskin! EEWWWW Gross! Cut it off!

CREATE MAN IN MY IMAGE OMG foreskin! EEWWWW Gross! Cut it off!  Advice God

gives you fully functioning brain Sends you to hell for using it

gives you fully functioning brain Sends you to hell for using it  Advice God

If you need anything just pray and you'll receive LOL jk

If you need anything just pray and you'll receive  LOL jk  Advice God

Why the fuck are people killing others in my name? That's like the first thing I told you not to do!

Why the fuck are people killing others in my name? That's like the first thing I told you not to do!  Advice God

Forgive your enemies and do them no harm and you will have a greater morality than me

Forgive your enemies and do them no harm and you will have a greater morality than me  Advice God

Blood pouring out of vagina Increased sex drive

Blood pouring out of 
vagina Increased sex drive  Advice God