For every LNP vote cast, God kills a kitten.

For every LNP vote cast, God kills a kitten. - For every LNP vote cast, God kills a kitten.  God Kills a Kitten


Everytime a gm signs a player to a long term contract God kills an nhl franchise

Everytime a gm signs a player to a long term contract God kills an nhl franchise

Every time you misuse a meme God kills a kitten

Every time you misuse a meme God kills a kitten

Every time you call technical support for something stupid God kills a kitten. Please think of the kittens.

Every time you call technical support for something stupid God kills a kitten. Please think of the kittens.

Every time you write bad code God kills a kitten

Every time you write bad code God kills a kitten

Every time you "Reply All" God kills a kitten

Every time you

Every time you repost God kills a kitten

Every time you repost God kills a kitten

Every time you leave a dirty dish in the sink God kills a kitten

Every time you leave a dirty dish in the sink God kills a kitten

Every time a baby boy is circumcised God kills a kitten. Think of the kittens.

Every time a baby boy is circumcised God kills a kitten. Think of the kittens.

Every time you write your own PDB parser The flying spagetti monster kills a kitten

Every time you write your own PDB parser The flying spagetti monster kills a kitten

Every day you don't call Dr Bates God kills a kitten. Think of the kittens.

Every day you don't call Dr Bates God kills a kitten. Think of the kittens.
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