I don't click on til links because most of the time they're bullshit

I don't click on til links because most of the time they're bullshit  - I don't click on til links because most of the time they're bullshit   Popular Opinion Polar Bear


i think it's weird when couples have joint facebook accounts

i think it's weird when couples have joint facebook accounts

I don't click on til links because the title usually provides adequate information

I don't click on til links because the title usually provides adequate information

If you think getting pregnant in high school is cool I assume you are a fucking idiot

If you think getting pregnant in high school is cool I assume you are a fucking idiot

Unless it is explicitly pointed out otherwise I assume everyone I talk to on reddit is a 20something white, slightly overweight, male

Unless it is explicitly pointed out otherwise I assume everyone I talk to on reddit is a 20something white, slightly overweight, male

Being Bullied sucks So does laughing at people's death and disease later in life

Being Bullied sucks So does laughing at people's death and disease later in life

If you call yourself a 90s kid and you're born in 1999 I assume you are a little prick

If you call yourself a 90s kid and you're born in 1999 I assume you are a little prick

I don't care about how Lil Wayne is doing because I think he is a douchebag

I don't care about how Lil Wayne is doing because I think he is a douchebag

if your children are severely obese I automatically assume that you're a failure as a parent

if your children are severely obese I automatically assume that you're a failure as a parent

If you are hardcore against homosexuality, I automatically assume you are a hardcore homosexual.

If you are hardcore against homosexuality, I automatically assume you are a hardcore homosexual.

If I had kids They'd be much better behaved than yours are

If I had kids They'd be much better behaved than yours are
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