Oh you are a domestic violence victim? Next time duck

Oh you are a domestic violence victim? Next time duck - Oh you are a domestic violence victim? Next time duck  Angry Advice Duck


had a bad day? suck it up bitch

had a bad day? suck it up bitch

why don't you try and introduce a new meme bitch

why don't you try and introduce a new meme bitch

Quack quack Motherfucker

Quack quack Motherfucker

Don't like my tone of voice? Go fuck yourself

Don't like my tone of voice? Go fuck yourself

sad because you lost a competition? soak a rag in kerosene and tie it around your ankles so the ants can't climb up and eat your candy ass

sad because you lost a competition? soak a rag in kerosene and tie it around your ankles so the ants can't climb up and eat your candy ass

Someone called you fat? Shut up and exercise

Someone called you fat? Shut up and exercise

hate your boss? suck it up, find a new job, quit your current one, and shut up

hate your boss? suck it up, find a new job, quit your current one, and shut up

upset about having to keep another duck meme straight? deal with it bitch

upset about having to keep another duck meme straight? deal with it bitch

Want to make another Actual Advice Mallard about relationships? how about: "Go fuck yourself"

Want to make another Actual Advice Mallard about relationships? how about:

drop the bread and back away human

drop the bread and back away human
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