I know what happened at the Boston Marathon was tragic BUT MAYBE we look like fear-mongering babies in the scope of world news

I know what happened at the Boston Marathon was tragic  BUT MAYBE we look like fear-mongering babies in the scope of world news - I know what happened at the Boston Marathon was tragic  BUT MAYBE we look like fear-mongering babies in the scope of world news  Scumbag Louis CK


Calls most of you cunts and douchbags to your faces in his iama still more beloved than morgan freeman

Calls most of you cunts and douchbags to your faces in his iama still more beloved than 
morgan freeman

trading doesn't stop when i have what i want it stops when i hate myself

trading doesn't stop when i have what i want it stops when i hate myself

Makes fun of buffalo directs it at troops

Makes fun of buffalo directs it at troops

Gets catchy theme song stuck in your head the song is only his name

Gets catchy theme song stuck
 in your head the song is only his name

Doesn't watch hockey still hates the sabers

Doesn't watch hockey still hates the sabers

gets buffalo hockey retard angry enough to create meme wins internet

gets buffalo hockey retard
 angry enough to create meme wins internet

If i was searching a place called watertown a boat probably would've been the first place i looked

If i was searching a place called watertown a boat probably would've been the first place i looked

Creates hilarious AMA during finals week

Creates hilarious AMA during finals week

"What if we were Germany?" You're not Germany... so 'no' to whatever you were about to ask.

This Shit is thoroughly good

This Shit is thoroughly good
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