Yeah..... If you could not start a hashtag on Twitter about the Boston Marathon bombing That'd be great

Yeah..... If you could not start a hashtag on Twitter about the Boston Marathon bombing That'd be great - Yeah..... If you could not start a hashtag on Twitter about the Boston Marathon bombing That'd be great  YEah


Yeah..... If you could all just shut up That'd be great

Yeah..... If you could all just shut up That'd be great

Yeah... if it could just keep raining until elections are over so people stop assaulting me on the street That'd be great

Yeah... if it could just keep raining until elections are over so people stop assaulting me on the street That'd be great

Yeah, if you could go ahead and get rid of the ends That'd be great

Yeah, if you could go ahead and get rid of the ends That'd be great

Yeah...exam materials, if you could just jump into my brain That'd be great

Yeah...exam materials, if you could just jump into my brain That'd be great

Yeah..... If everyone could stop inviting me to sideshow That'd be great

Yeah..... If everyone could stop inviting me to sideshow That'd be great

Yeah, if you could stop posting pictures of animals to r/pics That'd be great

Yeah, if you could stop posting pictures of animals to r/pics That'd be great

Yeah..... If my dad could please stop to vacuum while i'm hungover That'd be great

Yeah..... If my dad could please stop to vacuum while i'm hungover That'd be great

Yeah if you could not argue about Margaret Thatcher That'd be great

Yeah if you could not argue about Margaret Thatcher  That'd be great

Yeah, if you could go fuck yourself with a cactus That'd be great

Yeah, if you could go fuck 
yourself with a cactus That'd be great

Yeah, if we could actually win a playoff game That'd be great

Yeah, if we could actually win a playoff game  That'd be great
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