Are you cheating on me? Your dick smells like strawberries

Are you cheating on me? Your dick smells like strawberries  - Are you cheating on me? Your dick smells like strawberries   Misc


You clicked this post even though its tagged nsfw are you interested in other women?

You clicked this post even though its tagged nsfw are you interested in other women?

You're not allowed to die Until you give me at least one child

You're not allowed to die Until you give me at least one child

looks through your room when you aren't there WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GIRL

looks through your room when you aren't there WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GIRL

looks through your room when you aren't there Finds your stash and chills out

looks through your room when you aren't there Finds your stash and chills out

If you really loved me you would kill me then yourself

If you really loved me you would kill me then yourself

Hey Everyone Did you know, uhm Laina IS MY SOULMATE She just doesn't know it yet

Hey Everyone Did you know, uhm Laina IS MY SOULMATE She just doesn't know it yet

You want to take a vacation? There is no vacation from me

You want to take a vacation? There is no vacation from me

Oh, you have cancer and heart health issues in your family Thats ok, if you die I want to be dead too

Oh, you have cancer and heart health issues in your family Thats ok, if you die I want to be dead too

I wish you had AIDS So no one would want to have sex with you

I wish you had AIDS So no one would want to have sex with you

I saw you masturbating in the shower You're not thinking of cheating on me are you?

I saw you masturbating in the shower You're not thinking of cheating on me are you?
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