Brotip #1: bros don't let other bros miss out on the ix | TLV 2013 Register Now at

Brotip #1: bros don't let other bros miss out on the ix | TLV 2013 Register Now at - Brotip #1: bros don't let other bros miss out on the ix | TLV 2013 Register Now at  Barney Stinson-Challenge Accepted HIMYM


Challenge accepted

 Challenge accepted

Challenge accepted

 Challenge accepted

Speaking only through MEMES ? Challenge accepted

Speaking only through MEMES ? Challenge accepted

Wish my awesome friend alexis a happy birthday Challenge accepted

Wish my awesome friend alexis a happy birthday Challenge accepted

Get an a on my 8 AM final after starting to study at 4? Challenge accepted

Get an a on my 8 AM final after starting to study at 4? Challenge accepted

Tell Jokes endlessly for Becca Challenge accepted

Tell Jokes endlessly for Becca Challenge accepted

30th Birthday? Challenged accepted

30th Birthday? Challenged accepted

NSFW? Challenge accepted

NSFW? Challenge accepted

10 exams in 10 days Challenge accepted

10 exams in 10 days Challenge accepted

Needs an amazing meme? Challenge complete

Needs an amazing meme? Challenge complete
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