Alright guys, We need ideas for FIFA Ultimate Team 14 200K Packs 5X Happy Hours! A game that users will enjoy? EA HQ Vancouver

Alright guys, We need ideas for FIFA Ultimate Team 14 200K Packs 5X Happy Hours! A game that users will enjoy? EA HQ Vancouver - Alright guys, We need ideas for FIFA Ultimate Team 14 200K Packs 5X Happy Hours! A game that users will enjoy? EA HQ Vancouver  Boardroom Suggestion


Alright guys, Croatia raised enough money for the surgery - what's our next move? Raise the price to $700 000 Raise the price to $800 000 Book the surgery? Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Alright guys, Croatia raised enough money for the surgery - what's our next move? Raise the price to 
$700 000 Raise the price to $800 000 Book the surgery? Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Alright guys, we have six fires in the city and six firetrucks- what's our next move? Send all firetrucks to one place! Stop them all in an intersection Send each firetruck to a different fire? Simcity Fire Station

Alright guys, we have six fires in the city and six firetrucks- what's our next move? Send all firetrucks
to one place! Stop them all in 
an intersection Send each firetruck to a different fire? Simcity Fire Station

Alright guys, what are we going to have in the new Pokemon game? A fire/fighting starter! Day Care post-game! Toggle running shoes? Nintendo Headquarters

Alright guys, what are we going to have in the new Pokemon game? A fire/fighting
starter! Day Care
post-game! Toggle  running shoes? Nintendo

Alright guys, we need something new for 2016 Olmypics to attract more viewers Girls Mud Wrestlings More Swimming events How about we add esports to Olympic games ESPN

Alright guys, we need something new for 2016 Olmypics to attract more viewers  Girls Mud Wrestlings   More Swimming events How about we add esports to Olympic games ESPN

Alright, who do we think will be the next Warchief? Voljin? Lor'themar? Remember how awesome vanilla was?

Alright, who do we think will be the next Warchief? Voljin? Lor'themar? Remember how awesome vanilla was?

Alright guys, we need some ideas for skins for Zac! Let's recolor him blue! Let's recolor him purple! Let's actually make him look different?

Alright guys, we need some ideas for skins for Zac! Let's recolor him 
blue! Let's recolor
him purple! Let's actually make him
look different?

All right, guys, we hate EA. What do we do about it? Keep buying their games! Keep buying their games! Stop buying their games. /r/gaming

All right, guys, we hate EA. What do we do about it? Keep buying
their games! Keep buying
their games! Stop buying their games. /r/gaming

Alright guys, we need content for the next patch, any ideas? More vanity pets! Blizzard store mounts! actual content? Blizzard

Alright guys, we need content for the next patch, any ideas? More vanity pets! Blizzard store mounts! actual content? Blizzard

Alright, people are complaining that GregTech Solar recipes are too expensive. What do we do? Make all recipes harder. Introduce new machines. Revert to an older crafting recipe? GregTech Solar

Alright, people are complaining that GregTech Solar recipes are too expensive. What do we do? Make all recipes
harder. Introduce new
machines. Revert to an older crafting
recipe? GregTech Solar

Alright guys, we need something new for TF2 so we can get more F2P players to pay for premium more hats More modes No more premium

Alright guys, we need something new for TF2 so we can get more F2P players to pay for premium more hats More modes No more premium
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