Slamming on the gas 10 seconds into the green light doesn't make up for the delay.

Slamming on the gas 10 seconds into the green light doesn't make up for the delay. - Slamming on the gas 10 seconds into the green light doesn't make up for the delay.  The More You Know


"Would of" is actually spelled "Would've" and is a contraction for "Would have"



The correct pronunciation of tomato is actually tomato, not tomato

The correct pronunciation of tomato is actually tomato, not tomato

-40 Celsius = -40 Fahrenheit

-40 Celsius  = -40 Fahrenheit

Adolf Hitler only had one testicle

Adolf Hitler only had one testicle

Every 60 seconds in Africa... ...A minute passes

Every 60 seconds in Africa... ...A minute passes

"Synthetic Cannabis" is NOT Synthetic Cannabis * By pretending this is a pot-substitute, the producer can con people in to buying something that isn’t anything at all like pot. * Prohibition-mongers adopt this term because it serves their purpose, t

Women are people too

Women are people too

NUTSACKS DON'T BELONG IN BUTTCRACKS twitter/instagram @ecardedmemes

NUTSACKS DON'T BELONG IN BUTTCRACKS twitter/instagram @ecardedmemes
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