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picture pages picture pages kodak colorwatch system zippity bip bop  and my wife camille - picture pages picture pages kodak colorwatch system zippity bip bop  and my wife camille  Confounded Cosby


you got the iphone 5 but you sleep on an air mattress?

you got the iphone 5 but you sleep on an air mattress?

All that pussy on that beach and he eats another guy's face?

All that pussy on that beach and he eats another guy's face?

you got the iphibbity but you sloop-deed on a frizzle bedaddle?

you got the iphibbity but you sloop-deed on a frizzle bedaddle?

So your telling me zip zop zupe is alien for rape me in the butt?

So your telling me zip zop zupe is alien for rape me in the butt?

your an adult living with your parents but you have a triple-monitor dual-gpu computer?

your an adult living with your parents but you have a triple-monitor dual-gpu computer?

They remade Total recall Without Arnold Schwarzenegger ?

They remade Total recall Without Arnold Schwarzenegger ?

All that pussy on that beach and he eats another guy's face?

All that pussy on that beach and he eats another guy's face?

All that Pussy on that beach and buddy eats anotha niggas face!

All that Pussy on that beach and buddy eats anotha niggas face!

So your telling me there are snakes on the plane

So your telling me there are snakes on the plane

You can't text back... But you're all on twitter & Instagram???

You can't text back... But you're all on twitter & Instagram???
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