Obama 2007: "Hope and CHANGE" President Obama 2012: "You can't change Washington from the inside" Obama campaign 2012: Hope + change - change = ? Unemployment ^ debt ^ terrorist attacks ^ political divide ^ Four more years!!! C'mon, America, where'

Obama 2007:


"Your homework tonight is to read pages 57-112" Nice, no homework.

"The lecture slides will be posted online" see you fuckers at finals

Pencil breaks while taking notes gets up and leaves

Pencil breaks while taking notes gets up and leaves

The weather is awful, can't go to class The weather is beautiful, can't waste it in class

The weather is awful, can't go to class The weather is beautiful, can't waste it in class

"Your homework is worth 5% of your grade" Nice, no homework.

If false,please explain true

If false,please explain true

Learns most of the class from taking the final

Learns most of the class from taking the final

Actually make it to morning class for once Skip rest of the day as a reward

Actually make it to morning class for once Skip rest of the day as a reward

Pushes door that says "pull" Turns around and goes home

Pushes door that says

finds out exam is open book better buy the book

finds out exam is open book better buy the book
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