Does Not Like Giving Blowjobs Buys Flavoured Condoms

Does Not Like Giving Blowjobs Buys Flavoured Condoms - Does Not Like Giving Blowjobs Buys Flavoured Condoms  Misunderstood Girlfriend


Talks to your mom on the phone after first date So she can learn your favorite food to cook

Talks to your mom on the phone after first date So she can learn your favorite food to cook

follows your reddit account so she can upvote your unpopular posts

follows your reddit account so she can upvote your unpopular posts

Says crazy 'overly attached' things to you because she fucking cares about you, you dick

Says crazy 'overly attached' things to you because she fucking cares about you, you dick

Says crazy 'overly attached' things to you so you have something funny to post on reddit the next day.

Says crazy 'overly attached' things to you so you have something funny  to post on reddit the next day.

"who are you texting?!" "Ask them if they wanna come join us"

Takes Boyfriend's Phone While he's Sleeping To post meme from his account to get him karma on his cakeday

Takes Boyfriend's Phone While he's Sleeping To post meme from his account to get him karma on his cakeday

takes phone leaves naked photos for you

takes phone leaves naked photos for you

smells your dirty t-shirt to see if it needs washing

smells your dirty           t-shirt to see if it needs washing

notices that you post on Reddit and makes an account to give you upvotes

notices that you post on Reddit and makes an account to give you upvotes

Checks your internet history to learn what sexual positions you are into

Checks your internet history to learn what sexual positions you are into
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