wins "you only won because you were screen-peeking"



Picks the worst team in Madden because he is so sure he will beat you "I only lost because im the worst team, i'd kill you with a better team"

Picks the worst team in Madden because he is so sure he will beat you

Tell him about the great new movie you want to see Yeah, it's awesome how dies at the end

Tell him about the great new movie you want to see Yeah, it's awesome how <character> dies at the end

plays hide and seek 1, 2, skip a few, 99, 100

plays hide and seek 1, 2, skip a few, 99, 100

Loses game we aren't playing that way. my house, my rules

Loses game we aren't playing that way. my house, my rules

"I won't tell on you if you don't tell on me" Tells on you

"Rock, Paper BOMB!!"

You have to pee? Water water water water water water water water....

You have to pee? Water water water water water water water water....

What's up? The sky

What's up? The sky

Invite you over Do chores

Invite you over Do chores
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