Protests chik fil a because they close on sundays Caption 3 goes here

Protests chik fil a because they close on sundays Caption 3 goes here - Protests chik fil a because they close on sundays Caption 3 goes here  American Atheist


Disputes all religions Thinks about religion more than religious people do

Disputes all religions Thinks about religion more than religious people do

"atheists have no morals" doesn't deprive people of basic civil rights

Lives in Alabama and has an atheist license plate. Has balls of steel

Lives in Alabama and has an atheist license plate. Has balls of steel

Richard Dawkins Is My Co-Pilot

Richard Dawkins Is My Co-Pilot

give me your upbraves

give me your upbraves

Smug, godless bastard *also happens to be right

Smug, godless bastard *also happens to be right

CHRISTians: spend hours looking for codes in Bible unable to decipher word with a number in it. cloaking device: engaged

spend hours looking for codes in Bible unable to decipher word 
with a number in it.
cloaking device: engaged

Smart enough to abandon organized religion Dumb enough to drive a Kia

Smart enough to abandon organized religion Dumb enough to drive a Kia

Hates religious hate mongering has a confederate flag on his car

Hates religious hate mongering has a confederate flag on his car

doesn't care what religious people put on their cars christians flip him off all the time for his license

doesn't care what religious people put on their cars christians flip him off all the time for his license
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