Master of Puppets Master of my Heart

Master of Puppets Master of my Heart - Master of Puppets Master of my Heart  Ridiculously Photogenic Metal Fan


Keeps Its cool And Blows you away

Keeps Its cool And Blows you away

came from the lands of ice and snow and warmed your heart

came from the lands of ice and snow and warmed your heart

Takes your hand now Off to never neverLand

Takes your hand now Off to never neverLand

Pushes his way through the Mosh pit and right into your heart

Pushes his way through the Mosh pit and right into your heart

Has the fuel, the fire and that which you desire

Has the fuel, the fire and that which you desire

Rocks out to Ace of Spades Becomes king of our hearts

Rocks out to Ace of Spades Becomes king of our hearts

Asks you to take his hand and you're off to never never land

Asks you to take his hand and you're off to never never land

Lead Singer Crowdsurfs to get closer to this dude

Lead Singer Crowdsurfs to get closer to this dude

Invited backstage the band become his groupies

Invited backstage the band become his groupies

Crowd put their lighters in the air to get a better look at him

Crowd put their lighters in the air to get a better look at him
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